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Frequently Asked Questions

Who pays for my stay?
Roosevelt Care Centers participate with Medicare and Medicaid and most major insurance companies. For more information regarding possible payment options, prospective residents and family members can schedule an appointment with the Business Office by calling 732-321-6800, ext. 4013. An attached downloadable PDF file “Financial Answers About Long-Term Care" is another source of extensive information.

What type of personal items do I bring?
Bedrooms are fully furnished. Residents are encouraged to bring personal and decorative items, in addition to comfortable clothing, footwear and any electronic items, such as cell phones, laptops and tablets.

What is the average length of stay in the sub-acute unit?
The average length of stay is between 10-and-30 days.

What staff is involved in my care?
Roosevelt's individual interdisciplinary approach includes, but is not limited to, physicians, nursing staff, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, respiratory therapists, social workers and recreation staff.

Can you provide a physician if my doctor can't visit?
Yes, Roosevelt has a variety of physicians that visit the facility and staff may also coordinate a visit at that physician's office.

Are there telephones in the room?
Telephone service could be accessed through the local provider. It's also recommended that residents use a cell phone.

How is personal laundry handled at the facility?
Roosevelt provides laundry service at the facility. To streamline the process, staff request that all personal clothing be labeled.

What are the visiting hours?
Family and friends are welcome to visit from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.

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Roosevelt Care Center at Edison | 118 Parsonage Road | Edison, New Jersey 08837 | Phone: 732-321-6800
Roosevelt Care Center at Old Bridge | 1133 Marlboro Road | Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857  |  Phone: 732-360-9830

Roosevelt Care Centers are operated by the Middlesex County Improvement Authority